Susan Liang

Hi, there! I am a third-year Ph.D. student in the Computer Science Department at the University of Rochester. My advisor is Prof. Chenliang Xu. Before joining Prof. Xu's lab, I got my bachelor degree of Computer Science at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. I was lucky to study and research under the supervision of Prof. Shiguang Shan. I joined Prof. Shan's group in 2020 and had worked there for one and a half years, enjoying an exciting research experience. I also worked closely with Prof. Ming-Hsuan Yang.

My research interests lie in Computer Vision and Deep Learning, especially audio-visual learning, implicit neural fields, multi-modal learning, and trustworthy AI.

The explanation for my English name: my Chinese name is 梁苏叁(Liang, Su, San), so Susan is just the *pinyin* of my Chinese name. Commonly, people think I am female when they see my English Name. :D

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ACCV 2024 Oral
High-Quality Visually-Guided Sound Separation from Diverse Categories
Chao Huang, Susan Liang, Yapeng Tian, Anurag Kumar, Chenliang Xu.
17th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Dec. 2024.
ACCV 2024
Language-Guided Joint Audio-Visual Editing Via One-Shot Adaptation
Susan Liang, Chao Huang, Yapeng Tian, Anurag Kumar, Chenliang Xu.
17th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Dec. 2024.
CVPR 2024
Learning to Transform Dynamically for Better Adversarial Transferability
Rongyi Zhu*, Zeliang Zhang*, Susan Liang, Zhuo Liu, Chenliang Xu.
Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Jun. 2024.
∗ indicates equal contribution.
EACL 2024
Random Smooth-based Certified Defense against Text Adversarial Attack
Zeliang Zhang, Wei Yao, Susan Liang, Chenliang Xu.
Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Mar. 2024.
🔥🔥🔥 HOT
Video Understanding with Large Language Models: A Survey
Yunlong Tang*, Jing Bi*, Siting Xu*, Luchuan Song, Susan Liang, Teng Wang, Daoan Zhang, Jie An, Jingyang Lin, Rongyi Zhu, Ali Vosoughi, Chao Huang, Zeliang Zhang, Feng Zheng, Jianguo Zhang, Ping Luo, Jiebo Luo, Chenliang Xu.
∗ indicates equal contribution.
arXiv preprint.
NeurIPS 2023
AV-NeRF: Learning Neural Fields for Real-World Audio-Visual Scene Synthesis
Susan Liang, Chao Huang, Yapeng Tian, Anurag Kumar, Chenliang Xu.
Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Dec. 2023.
ICCV Workshop 2023
Neural Acoustic Context Field: Rendering Realistic Room Impulse Response With Neural Fields
Susan Liang, Chao Huang, Yapeng Tian, Anurag Kumar, Chenliang Xu.
International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, Oct. 2023.
ACM MM 2021 Oral
UniCon: Unified Context Network for Robust Active Speaker Detection
Yuanhang Zhang∗, Susan Liang∗, Shuang Yang, Xiao Liu, Zhongqin Wu, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen.
ACM International Conference on Multimedia, Oct. 2021.
∗ indicates equal contribution.
University of Rochester, NY, USA
Ph.D. Sept. 2022 to Future
Computer Science
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
B.Eng. Sept. 2018 to Jul. 2022
Computer Science
Research Experiences
Reality Labs Research, Meta, PA, USA
Reserach Scientist Intern • May 2024 to Aug. 2024
Advisors: Dr. Dejan Markovic and Dr. Alexander Richard
Vision and Learning Lab, University of California - Merced, CA, USA
Reserach Intern • Sept. 2021 to Mar. 2022
Advisors: Prof. Ming-Hsuan Yang and Dr. Taihong Xiao
Institute for AI Industry Research, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Reserach Intern • Jun. 2021 to Aug. 2021
Advisors: Dr. Yizhi Wang and Dr. Hao Xu
Visual Information Processing and Learning Group, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Reserach Assistant • Feb. 2020 to Apr. 2021
Advisors: Prof. Shiguang Shan and Dr. Shuang Yang

Website source from Haidong Zhu. Great thanks.